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How were LEGO bricks invented?

How were LEGO bricks invented?

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It’s hard work to scrub things clean with a brush or a mop! What could you invent to do that work for you?
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Water sprays out of this tool at almost 250 miles per hour--way faster than a car--instantly scraping off layers of dirt!
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Some people even use water sprayers to make art! The lighter parts are areas that have been cleaned by the superfast water.
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Some dogs hate baths. They want it over with quickly. What could you invent to give a dog a nice bath, quicker?
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This “Woof Washer” sprays water out of a hoop, cleaning all sides of the dog at once! A bottle of soap is attached too, so it’s faster!
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It takes a long time to fill up even one water balloon. What could you invent to fill lots of water balloons all at once?
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This invention fills up 100 balloons in one minute! Tiny tubes carry water to each balloon. Rubber bands even “tie” them closed!
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What’s coming out of this toy to knock down these cups? (It seems invisible…)
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This is an “air cannon”--it pushes air, and the air can knock things over. If you put “fog” in it, you can see the air move!
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Check out this experiment! These people made a giant air cannon to see how powerful it would be!
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This invention shoots out powerful sprays of water below a pair of shoes. What do you think would happen if you wore them?
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The sprays of water are so powerful that they push people up into the air. People can even spin around and do tricks!
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Grades K-5

Current Events And Trending Topics

Invention & Innovation


In this mini-lesson, students journey into the minds of inventors to learn not only how LEGO bricks were invented, but why they were invented!


5 mins

Grades K-5

Current Events And Trending Topics

Invention & Innovation

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