Open-and-go lessons that inspire kids to love science.

Science curriculum for K—5th grades.

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  • Hands-on lead students in the doing of science and engineering.
  • Standards-aligned science lessons Cover core standards in 1-2 hours of science per week.
  • Less prep, more learning prep in minutes not hours. Captivate your students with short videos and discussion questions.

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Suppose you wanted to break this rock in two—and you weren’t in a rush. Instead of using tools to break it open, can you think of a way that a plant could help you do it?
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Drop a seed into a crack. Wait for a tree to sprout. Then wait another 20 years. As the tree grows, its roots will break the rock!
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Tree roots don’t just break boulders. Seeds can sprout between stone blocks in buildings too. Check out these ancient—and modern—buildings! I wonder what they’ll look like in 100 years!
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This brick sidewalk has an opening for a tree to grow in. What do you think the tree will look like as it gets older?
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Roots can grow into any crack. Over time, the cracks shape the way the roots grow.
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This isn’t a purple house. It’s a house covered in purple flowers from flowering vines! How long do you think it takes vines to grow?
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In just over a month, vines covered this little house. Why do you think the vines climbed on the house? Are they searching for something?
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Other plants, like trees, grow tall so that their leaves are closer to the sunlight. Vines need light too! So they get tall by climbing up trees and buildings!
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Trees may not seem like they are unstoppable. After all, you can just cut them down. But what happens to the stump after you cut down a tree?
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Sometimes, trees grow back! A tree’s roots may have enough food to create a new sprout, like these. Even when a tree falls over...
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2 can grow back! These fallen trees have roots in the ground. Their branches have grown straight up, each trying to become a tree.
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Someone thought it was a good idea to nail this sign to a tree. What do you think? Do you have any idea what might happen?
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Check it out! Trees are unstoppable! If something gets in a tree’s way, the tree might just grow around it! Weird! But that’s not all...
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Some people add googly eyes to make trees look like they are munching on the things that got in their way. Yum!
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We pulled three questions from our jar. Which question do you want to explore?

  • Who invented soccer?

    -Liam, 4th Grade

  • Do animals dream?

    -Cora, 3rd Grade

  • Why does hair turn gray?

    -Isa, 2nd Grade

How can you tell if a plant is poisonous?

Watch the video to discover the answer and don't forget to vote for next week's question. There are mysteries all around us. Have fun and stay curious!